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This page is a work in progress so sorry if some stuff doesn't look good. I'm working on it




Random Stuff


Any references to crushes that I had before today are innacurate. Unless specified in recent entries, it's very likely that I've moved on from whatever crush was mentioned in former entries.

Also, all entries are recorded according to Central Standard Time. However, any entries written from abroad such as México will not adhere to American CST due to the lack of Daylight Savings Time

Monday, October 2, 2023

Hello. I am currently in school and I am bored. I realized during this time that I have not been keeping up with this website in a while. I've been focusing on ther things such as growing my online presense but so far, it's been a hit or miss kind of situation. Sometimes, I get a good amount of exposure but there are also days in which I don't. Another thing I tried to do was code a game of reversi and checkers. Reversi worked but I still haven't figured out checkers. If I can, I'll put the file in here so you can play the game.

Ok so I was able to get it embeded from my personal account but I can't figure out how to get rid of my code so people don't copy it and try to pass it off as their own (Obviously, I figured this out in the future as you can see from the lack of code). Either way though, it works and that's all that matters so far. Also, I made hyperlinks and a contact page so that's also impressive. I have no AP Pre-Cal work to do right now. Yesterday, I was supposed to visit some family but I had a runny nose and a slight cough so we didn't do it. It was for the best anyways since I don't enjoy being near my family because they're all boring. It gets to the point where some cousins have tried to get me kicked out and banned even though I've done nothing wrong. These children are annoying and try to boss me around even though I'm the older one out of all of them. It sucks and there's not much I can do about it but it's all good since I rarely have to see them anyways

6:11 PM

I got home and I found an old camera. Now I want to start a new vlog series because I already had videography on my Facebook hobbies

8:38 PM

I am bored right now. I just got home so I can actually type this blog on a bigger screen with more space for me to see what I type properly. I should challenge my mom to a game of reversi but because I've been hosting the game on both accounts, I don't know which version I will actually be using. More likely than not, I'll be using the one on this account so I can edit my code if there's a bug. Bye Bye!

9:03 PM

I found a bug where if you type nothing and hit enter, the file will not keep running and the game will also stop. I am going to fix that and then get back to you guys. My next project will be a Basic python fortune teller.

I'm hungry! I'm going to get some pizza. Bye Bye!

Tuesday, October, 3, 2023

9:03 AM

I got here later than usual and it's all Mariana's fault. We spent almost 10 minutes waiting outside the apartments for her to come down so we could leave. She waited all that time that I wanted to just leave so I wouldn't be late. Unfortunately, I got to class just as the bell rang so not only was I late, but now I'm also mad at Mariana because she made me get to class late. Overall, I'm very frustrated with that girl to the point where she is slowly chipping away at my patience but it's ok because I brought the camera with me

Video Camera Video Camera

Anyways, I'm going to go because I have to do work now but I'll update later if I can get through AP Pre-Cal class. Bye Bye!

9:39 AM

I am so bored right now. I thought we were doing work but we actually aren't doing anything so I might try and create an advanced version of the fortune teller I made yesterday where it asks you some basic questions before you ask the question and it gives you your fortune. BTW, I figured out how to just link my programs without code now so I need to update the previous iframe and create the fortune teller program on my personal account

If I get an advanced version to work, I know what I'll be doing next. My next project will be to create another game but I'm not sure which one so I'll get back to you on that later. Bye Bye!

11:50 AM

I finally finished the project for Professional communication and now I want to see how much Pre-Cal work I can do with the time I have left. I might have to copy from someone if our AP Pre-Cal teacher hasn't taken up the assignment books yet. Bye Bye!

12:33 PM

I am in AP Macroeconomics class and I'm about to figure out what our paper slip is for since I got a little paper slip for my PSAT. I don't know what this paper slip is for but I'm guessing it's something they expect us to keep until the day of the PSAT if I'm not mistaken although I could be wrong.

1:33 PM

It's been exactly 1 hour and I have some things to share. So, that paper is for our PSAT. We are supposed to have it when we take the test. Also, I took my 1st 9 weeks test right now and I got an 88 out of 100. That's good

2:13 PM

So, I met with both Michaels (Michael ? and Michael Gutierrez Arredondo). However, no matter what, they somehow found a way to turn my conversation into jokes. So now people make jokes about what I say and I've turned into a comedian myself. Isn't that fun. Also, both Michaels now know of their existence and if I find the cable for my camera, I might post the video online for this blog that proves this event happened

2:40 PM

I found out how to host videos on this website so now I uploaded a random video of me, Anthony, and Tupac in our art class last year. This is great

6:01 PM

I got home about an hour ago and a lot has happened within my family. So, my dad got fired. I honestly can't say I'm surprised. I saw this coming for quite some time but it still feels like it was highly unjustified and that's probably because it is. You see, my dad got fired for conduct issues and now I'm kind of upset because the owners were just looking for an excuse to get rid of my dad. Either way though, these people will see just how wrong they were if things go wrong and end to their downfall. I do feel bad for James though and hope that he gets better from his cancer diagnosis in spite of all the bad things he did against my dad. Anyways, enough about my dad getting fired. I'm going to look at the bright side of things. My dad doesn't need to worry too much about finding a job at the moment. Let's just say that his curriculum and experience makes him as appetizing for companies as apple pie. Everyone wants a piece of his experience. I think Newton said it best when he said "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction". Therefore, since my dad got fired, he will surely get a job soon. Also, my dad doesn't need to rush to get a job right now if we can live for at least 1 month by spending less and only paying for essentials. However, we need to have faith for my dad so I'm going to hope that my dad gets the job because I believe in him and his skills. Also, I finally made an updated fortune teller with advanced questions and language options so I'm going to embed it here.

9:05 PM

My parents just got back inside with Lucky (our dog) after being with him for about 2 hours. I personally don't enjoy being near Lucky because I just don't find dogs to be appealing but it would be weird if he were gone so I don't mind his presence. If you want clarification, I can tolerate him. I went outside because I was wondering when my family would come back inside and I got a recording with the camera I mentioned earlier. Have a look here

9:43 PM

I am so bored right now. I want to do something besides just sitting on this laptop but I can't because I don't know what else to do to kill my boredom right now. My TV hasn't been working for a while so I can't use the PS3 or my Roku. Also, I'm in the mood to go to my room but my parents will be like "Why are you leaving us?" so I can't. I just learned that Thursday is World Teacher's Day so I might do something for some of my teachers although not all. Probably our AP Pre-Cal teacher since I feel like no one appreciates him and it's actually kind of sad if you think about it although it makes sense since he teaches math and math isn't that interesting to most people |^_^|

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

10:25 PM

I messed up yesterday (•_•)

So, I forgot to upload the video of both Michaels meeting and now I'm upset because I thought both files were uploaded. Unfortunately, I deleted the video file from my camera so there's nothing I can do about it right now except for waiting until I get home so I can upload that file which is saved on my laptop. At least that's the only thing I forgot to do

2:00 PM

I made a basic 5 function calculator. Check it out!

This calculator works by having variables that have the equations for adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and multiplying by exponents. Overall, it's pretty cool. For my next project, I plan to create an even more advanced calculator that allows you to input advanced equations such as those in calculus or precalculus and then give you the answers with explanations although that will take some time. Give or take anywhere from 1 month (if I'm not busy and devote all my time to this project thus losing sleep in the process) to the end of this year

3:00 PM

I updated my basic calculator program to ask if you want to keep asking questions but stop if you don't

7:49 PM

I did it. I finally got the video of Michael and Michael Gutierrez Arredondo meeting to convert to an mp4 so that I can finally embed the video into this blog. Isn't it amazing

Also, you may have noticed that I put a random stuff page. That is there on purpose because I plan to add in some random things such as notes from my classes or just in general things that would otherwise be cluttering my website. Also, I switched to this website because when I graduate, my other website will be destroyed and I won't be able to get it back without copying the whole page (I intend to do it over the next few months or so). However, I can always just copy the source code of this website, make a new one, and restore my information which is something I've always intended on doing. For now, I will be using this domain to type up my blog and share about my life unless I can change my current codehs username on the other account thus preserving the username and keeping everything mostly intact.

BTW, I got back one of my tests for Principles of Technology and guess what grade I got? I got a 90 out of 100. Isn't this great? I knew I got a high score but I didn't know it was this high. Also, the class average was 60 and my whole table got high grades. Korbyn Lizalde got an 89 and Jadon Munsell got an 85. Those 2 are also pretty smart although me and Korbyn are definitely smarter that Jadon by a bit. It's not that Jadon's dumb because of course he isn't. It's just that we rarely need to ask questions. I think I haven't asked 1 question and Korbyn's only asked like 2 or 3 so it really isn't a lot if you think about it.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

10:51 PM

I'm still awake and I figured I'd type up a short blog entry before going to sleep. So, my chromebook will now only accept a certain positioning of my chromebook charger. Also, I finally shared my website with real people besides my in person friends. An interesting thing I've noticed is that from typing so much, I can actually see my veins popping up and it looks awesome. I guess I officially have cool typing hands. Either that or it's from typing on Windows 11. Anyways, today I gave out cards to most of my teachers as a showing of support for World Teachers' Day. Most teachers were nice and thanked me for the nice gesture so overall, it felt like a something nice on both the inside and the outside.

Friday, October 6, 2023

3:06 PM

So I made a discovery and it's that no matter what, you can't seem to be able to teach AI how to properly do math. I don't know why but AI sucks at math. However, I am willing to try and create an AI that I can train at solving math since I've decided that that should be easier to accomplish before I can code my advanced math calculator

Saturday, October 7, 2023

9:24 PM

I just woke up ^_~. Unfortunately, I still have college work to do so that's what I'm doing now. It's kind of dull but it's what I have to do. Anyways, I should probably go now so I don't get in trouble and also so I can concentrate. Bye Bye!

6:28 PM

I got back from the mall. I got really bad cramps this morning and my dollar tree pain medicine didn't work so I used the ibuprofen from when I had the sore throat and it made me feel better. Also, I just ate some chicken strips from Whataburger and they were good. Since it's the evening and I don't have too much left to do, I've decided to just do my peer reviews tomorrow but it'll be easy. For the part where I have to choose who to evaluate, I'll either evaluate Alexander Agee or Marie Mormon. As for the evaluation where the person was pre-selected, I need to evaluate Genesis Reyes. I also have to do a self evaluation but I'll get my parents to help me evaluate my writing if I need help. I want to upload another file but I don't know what file to upload.

9:15 PM

I found the webpage for checkers on cool math games but I couldn't get it to work so I'm going to find a page where the game is also being hosted so I can grab another link

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

3:33 PM

I just logged on from my iPad and I must say that the experience is just as smooth as it is on my laptop. I was thinking about what to write though but idk what to even talk about so I'm just going to log off and go outside. Just know that I'm still surviving :)

Friday, October 13, 2023

10:36 PM

I bought an iPod. For some reason though, the iPod feels kind of oily but it's not a problem. Also, iTunes keeps telling me that this iPod is fully charged so I'm going to just keep using my laptop in case this iPod didn't charge properly. Also, I need to add some songs I accidentally deleted earlier

Thursday, December 28. 2023

7:57 PM

Here's another blog. Sorry for not updating in weeks but I kind of forgot about this blog's existence. Also, I was kind of stressing out about how I got a D in ENGL 1301 with a highly critical professor (No complaints there. He's the one with the PhD so he must know more about how to properly write than I did) and was probably getting kicked out of the class on the high school side of things. Don't worry though! At the end, my grade rounded up to a 70 which is the requirement to not fail a course on the high school side and next semester, my high school teacher for that English class will be taking over as the professor for my next semester course (ENGL 1302) since her certification to teach college courses came in later than the deadline to teach both semester courses. Since I'll finally have my professor in person, I'll actually be able to ask questions about assignments and get quick feedback on my writing for essays and other academic papers. But enough about how I nearly failed an English course. I want to talk about my crush. So, I got a crush on one of my friends in that English class. Me and Agee mostly talk since he's friends with Marie and Marie's my best friend. I think I realized that what I felt towards him wasn't just a want to be friends with him after he was gone from school for 3 days before thanksgiving break because he had the flu. He came back and that's when I realized just how much his lacking presence was affecting me. I couldn't even hear doors opening without thinking about him. His friends didn't know where he was at but all they knew was that he was listening to the Minecraft menu music for 5 hours straight. I'm going to be honest or else I'll just sound delusional. Agee didn't really tolerate my presence at first. He actually found me to be an annoying parasite of sorts but after a while, he actually admitted that to some extent, we were friends. I was kind of clueless about how constantly bringing up a specific person and making this the starting point of all my conversations wasn't just a thing you do with friends. I couldn't stop talking about him and my best friends, Marie and Donnie, kind of assumed that I had a crush on him but since I thought I had a crush on Tupac (a senior friend of mine) they didn't ask me anything about that. Also, I have some clueless friends because I told my friends that I had a crush on Agee twice because I told them before we went on break (I have a fast reaction when it comes to figuring out that I love someone) and then I told them after we came back from break since they brushed me off the first time. Let's just say my best friends had a reaction to this revelation that was so mind blowing that Donnie couldn't even keep quiet and he blurted this secret out loud in front of our whole Computer Science class which was quiet and made the whole thing even more embarrassing for me. Lucky for me though, Agee is in the robotics program and not the Computer Science program or else everything would've been ruined…

I spoke too soon because Luis, a friend I've had since freshman year, was tired of me being a hopeless romantic after Donnie told him I had a crush on Agee and so, he asked him if I have a chance. Luis was curious about who my crush was and Donnie instantly said "Mercedes has a crush on Agee. The guy with the mask and suitcase" which is what ruined everything. Luis has the same robotics class with Agee so he took a chance and asked the question I mentioned previously but Agee said I don't have a chance because of how I act and not because I'm short. I don't fully trust Luis though. Agee's way too mysterious and that's making me doubt that he's actually telling the truth about whether or not I really have a chance. Besides, he keeps saying and doing things that mess with my brain like when he smiles and laughs or when he shows me impressive things like the cup tower he made from the floor to the ceiling of his robotics classroom, the robot he also made in that class, or all of his Minecraft traps he's created. Stuff like this makes me doubt him. Also, he told me one day very recently as a joke around Walter, another one of my awesome friends, that he was probably schizophrenic since he was talking to me which sounds weird but if schizophrenic people hear voices in their heads and I'm annoying to him then why would he hear my voice in his head. Seems like he can't stop thinking about me. Then again, it's probably just wishful thinking. I really don't have much to say though so I might just link my blog about this crush underneath in case anyone wants to read it to understand more. Bye Bye!

Quick update on Saturday, December 30, 2023: Annoying Alex (the senior Alex and NOT Agee) knows I don't have a crush on Anthony anymore but he doesn't know it's Agee. However, he did tell Anthony that I have a new crush and I lied to Anthony about not having a crush because of what Alex said since I honestly don't feel comfortable with telling Anthony that I feel like I've already moved on and have a new crush since I have no clue if he actually moved on from me or if he just chose to "break up" (we were in a situationship) with me and bottle up his feelings because of what my parents were doing by wanting to interrogate him and almost forcing their dean friends to keep us apart

Friday, December 29, 2023

11:54 PM

Hello! I am typing this on the notes app of my MacBook since I want to be able to actually correct any spelling mistakes without scrolling to the side through loads of code. Anyways, we got the state inspection done for our car, a 2020 NISSAN Versa SV, before it expires at the end of the year. Tomorrow is Saturday so it means that it will be the final Saturday of 2023 and we'll be 1 day closer to the end of the year. Also, we went downtown at like 10 PM and I saw like 50-100 homeless psople all around the edge of the downtown area just sitting and lying down on the different sidewalks, vacant parking lots, and patios of businesses in the 47º weather. Also, I can't wait for tomorrow since Agee typically logs on to discord the day before holidays so if he does log on, I might get the courage to send him a message even if it's just a snarky remark about how I thought he'd died or something like that. Then again, I might not send it and chicken out. Either way though, I can't wait for tomorrow. I don't have much to say though so I'm just going to end this entry here. Bye Bye!

Quick update on Sunday, December 31, 2023: He didn't get online but that's ok.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

12:31 AM

Hello. So, I recently transferred over the major pages of my blog onto my next page that I will be operating after I graduate. The only things left are any files that I need to re-upload to my blog once the old account isn't valid anymore. today I didn't really do much. I got up at like 2 PM and ate some breakfast. Up until today, I did not know that eggs are good with Pace Hot Sauce. However, now I do and it has changed my experience with eating eggs

Pace Hot Sauce

After breakfast, I started writing this blog and took a shower before getting ready to go out which would explain why I started at 2:52 PM but haven't posted it until now. I also went to El Rancho with my parents to buy some meat and other things for tomorrow's New Year's Eve meal. While we were there, we ran into my cousins who work there. My cousins were mostly busy doing their jobs but occasionally spared a few seconds or minutes to talk to us now that we've started visiting them and my aunt more now. As of me writing this, my cousins got out of work by now but they probably went out with my cousin's boyfriend and left my aunt alone at home. I've been wanting to talk to some of my friends but I don't know if it's just me but they seem to really want to take a break from constantly being online which is really understandable but at the same time I would hate to be that one friend who was kept out of the loop in regards to what my friends did on break. On the bright side, that's what Instagram stories are for. I still know what they're doing and it seems like they can finally have their nice moment of blissful peace and just get away from any drama which is nice. I don't know what else to write though so I might just leave it at that for today. Before I go though, I wanted to promote my new video where I tried a KitKat for anyone who wants to watch it.

Here's the iframe. Bye Bye!

Sunday, December 31, 2023

10:55 PM

Hello! Today is the last day of 2023 and I'm excited for midnight. The closest place that has already had their New Year is probably Buenos Aires in Argentina🇦🇷. The slowest place when it comes to getting their new year would probably be Honolulu since they're 4 hours behind us which is kind of sad but then again, it's good that I live in the main part of the United States as opposed to any of the 2 outer states like Alaska AKA Canada but for Americans or Hawaii AKA The Dream Vacation Spot. Anyways, I was on the hunt for some Young Sheldon fanart of the kids in FNAF style and I recently just found the original piece by cattoonxd on Instagram. It's kind of disturbing to look at when you consider the implications of the Cooper kids being turned into the Afton Children but so cool from the point of view of an artist.

Also, my mom had made me a Chicharron and it was delicious. Right now, I'm watching the countdown for the New Year and I have to say that I'm very much excited about midnight since we might go downtown to witness the fireworks display that they do at midnight. It isn't as impressive as the ball drop in New York City but something's still something. One of my dreams for when I get older is to go to New York so I can witness this event live and in person. Maybe I could bring my friends or Agee with me (That one's unlikely although not entirely impossible since there's always a probability of something occurring even if it's a slim one as dictated by science. For instance, in quantum mechanics, there is a phenomenon called quantum tunneling, where particles can pass through energy barriers that would be classically impossible to overcome. Although the probability of such events happening is extremely low, it is not zero. Similarly, in statistical mechanics, large systems exhibit behavior governed by probabilities, and rare events can still take place, albeit with a very low likelihood. Overall, while unlikely events have diminished probabilities, they are not entirely impossible according to scientific understanding.) Anyways, I was thinking about how to end this blog since I don't have anything else to add about how today went or anything like that of the sort. So, I've decided to include my first set of New Year's Resolutions.

New Year's Resolutions

Monday, January 1, 2024

11:59 PM

Hello! Sorry for the late update. I was busy and quite frankly, I didn't want to type up this blog from my phone knowing that it would be extremely uncomfortable to do so. Today, we visited a house in the middle of nowhere to attend a prayer gathering for a person who passed away last year. It was an opportunity for people to find solace and comfort in their beliefs about what happens after death. Reflecting on the experience, l realized that as I grow older, there may come a time when I have to host similar prayer sessions for my own parents. However, considering my current religious convictions or lack thereof, I'm unsure if I would desire such a gathering for myself if I were to pass away soon.

Regardless, I do believe that there is something beyond death, whether it is just the confirmed replay of life memories or other possibilities like reincarnation or the existence of spirits. During the gathering, I noticed a tendency to attribute blame to the person who passed away for their own death. Personally, I feel that if blame is to be assigned, it should be directed towards God, who, according to some beliefs, has the power to resurrect individuals or prevent death altogether.

Ultimately though, I don't have much else to say about all of this. It was a bit chilly but it was all fine and well until we left at 6. By then, it had become extremely uncomfortable and I wanted to curl up in my comfortable bed with my warm blanket. Don't worry though. I did get to do that and now I'm watching some Bunk'd on Netflix with my PS3. That's where I'm going to end this entry now. Bye Bye!

P.S. I got AI to fix this entry so it won't sound rude to anyone who reads this since I recognize that the last version had an extremely negative tone

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

3:44 PM

Hello. Today my uncle decided to pay a somewhat surprising visit. I didn't think he'd come over since he hardly does. Then again, people are different over time so it's nice to see that my uncle's kept his word now and has come over to visit even if it's probably only for visiting family members. We came to this house near the other house from yesterday because an aunt and uncle of ours came to visit from Mexico. Honestly, I had no idea who any of these people were but I still treated them with respect and kindness.

Also, I've been reading a new Young Sheldon fanfiction called Social Skills in which Sheldon and Leonard first met as pen pals and will slowly fall in love with each other. So far, it's only got 3 chapters with the last chapter being published on the 18th of last month but I feel like it will definitely go somewhere during or after the next chapter so I can't wait for that. Maybe I could get AI to write another chapter. Then again, the task will most likely be quite daunting so it's best to patiently wait for the author to bring in an update.

The one thing I still can't get off my mind though is the topic that I brought up yesterday since the response some people may have concerns me. I hate to say this but I want to provide some context in case a theologist or highly religious person is reading this. I was never invalidating other religions. I simply wanted to share my beliefs. I do believe in something else because I have fully accepted that as far as we know, our brain produces the same kind of brain oscillations like the ones produced by our dreams which would suggest that our life would quite literally be flashing before our eyes.

However, I remain open to the possibility of other events unfolding beyond our current understanding, unless it aligns with the belief that the concept of God and the interpretation of the Bible by its authors are completely accurate. In that case, it would signify the end, as I haven't actively practiced Catholicism since I was 7 and haven't identified with any religion since 8th grade when I personally considered myself an atheist due to my lack of belief in a higher power. I must acknowledge that another reason l'm opposed to this particular scenario is because, as mentioned earlier, l am bisexual. According to what I've been told, engaging in same-sex relationships is deemed a "mortal sin" unless one repents.

I have no intention of repenting for who I am, and therefore, I choose not to embrace a belief in God as it currently stands. Being bisexual (or pansexual, as it technically falls under the bi umbrella) is an inherent part of my identity that cannot be changed, nor would I want to change it. It contributes to what makes me unique, and in a world that thrives on diversity, it's crucial for each individual to possess something that sets them apart, much like the varied selection of chips at Walmart.

Anyways, I would like to end this conversation on a positive note by saying that I've personally decided to continue expanding my physics knowledge by reading a free open source AP Physics textbook whenever I have the free time for it since physics is my passion project and the thing I could always fall back on if I can't make it as a CS major in the future whilst Computer Science is my dream and something that always comes to me naturally like Sudoku, Pyramid Solitaire, PAC-MAN, and breathing. I would like to write more but then it would just go on forever and I would never go to sleep if I kept thinking of more things to write about so I'll just end it here. Bye Bye!

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

8:08 PM

Hello. Today's an important day for my family because my dad finally got another job! I forgot to keep you guys updated about how things went after my dad got kicked out from his last job so I'm going to do a quick recap. Basically, at some point in between mid October and Early November, my dad got a job at this food processing warehouse where food was being processed with machines. However, my dad only lasted 1 month at this place because one of the employees refused to cover up his hair for sanitary reasons and they fired my dad when he tried to tell the guy to cover up his hair. Fast forward to today and my dad finally got another job.

This job is better than his last job and in order to prove this point, I'm going to make either a list or a table to prove this point.

Reasons why my dad's new job is better

As you can see if you knew more about my dad's prior work experiences, this job is clearly better than all of his prior jobs. I can't wait for tomorrow since it will be my dad's 2nd day and we'll actually be able to gauge how my dad's new job is. For now though, I rate it a 10/10

New Job Rating


5 out of 5 stars

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

12:11 PM

Hello. Today has been a pretty weird day so far. Basically, I got to AP computer science and almost no one was there so I was just waiting there until more people showed up. Also, I'm in Health class right now and unfortunately, I'm in class with Fernando (Marie's ex) but I'm not going to bring up past drama to stay calm. I'm super excited though because since I'm upstairs now, I don't have to run up stairs to catch up with Agee. I get to walk with him...
Isn't this just great?! Anyways, I finished the PAC-MAN x 2024 challenge in about 1-2 hours yesterday. I would have also finished the PAC-MAN x Christmas challenge but my Macbook was almost dead and I wanted to eat so I stopped. I have until today to finish the challenge though and I've got 9 minutes of freetime right now so I'm going to play some more PAC-MAN. Bye Bye!

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

11:33 AM

I just came up with a fantastic idea. What if I open a Blips account all about computer science? It could work since I'm so dedicated to learning about CS and STEM but I need to figure out what to post on this new account or if I want to just do it on my already existing main account. Also, I got a textbook called "Probability and Statistics: Fifth Edition" and another textbook that goes over all 4 years of high school math and is meant to prepare you for the Praxis 2 test that certifies you to teach math (I think) and that book has some calculus and trig info so I'm going to use it to learn some more. Maybe it will even help me refresh my basic algebra skills since it's part of an accelerated course which means that I'm going to be absorbing all the math info like a sponge at lightning speed (jk but I can dream). Also, I might try to start talking to William again since I feel bad about kind of ghosting him and he was genuinely not a bad friend so if I need new friends, I can count on his wacky but also funny group of friends.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

9:39 PM

Ok so I got some new CSS since the last CSS was a little bit too much for me to stare at. Today is "Dress Like You're Going To Church" day at school so I got a little bit dressed up even though no one at school really knew or cared about dressing up today. I also have the skit project in my health class but I brought a jacket with me to not be dressed all professionally when we record. BTW, we finally got the egg drop project and I need ideas. My parents want me to use my old crate but I was mostly just thinking of a smaller box instead since I'm not going to be tossing a whole collection of eggs. Besides, it's slightly heavy so it would be annoying to just carry a wooden crate all day and I doubt Agee would even help me out if I needed help with carrying the crate. My idea was to just put some sponges all around a box with a little hook thing to keep it from opening while it lands and attaching a parachute just as a safety precaution. In case you were wondering, Dollar Tree sells small wooden boxes like that so I could theoretically just measure the egg and make a mold that will fit the shape of the egg. Similar to how an avocado has a seed in the middle

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Rubric

12:30 PM

I'm SUPER excited right now since it's an A Day and I get to speak with Tupac. I forgot to tell him last time but I finally got the money for prom. For those of you unaware, prom is a big night since it's one of the last times I'll be with Tupac and I might get my chance to confess. I can't wait for that day to happen but it isn't until May so I've got to wait a bit

2:21 PM

I regret what I just said just a little bit. So, I sort of got inderectly rejected by Tupac after he said he only sees me as a friend but the fortune cookie from yesterday said my deepest desire will come true by the end of the month so maybe something else will happen soon

Saturday, February 10, 2024

11:59 PM

So, today was a good day. I woke up at like 9 AM and we ate some breakfast. We had an appointment at H&R Block and I was about to fall asleep there but we left before I was able to. Tomorrow is the Super Bowl so there won't be another update. I'm going to a party though so I have to log off now. See you all Monday (hopefully). Bye Bye!

Monday, February 12, 2024

9:05 PM

I wasn't going to write or type since I don't have much to say but I got bored so I figured that I should do one of these basic entries now. So, yesterday was the Super bowl and not a lot happened. The Chiefs won (Unfortunately) and now I look like a fool in front of my cousin who bet 100 dollars on the game. Also, I just added a handy little translate button to the website so people from all over the word can read my blog easily. Check it out! Anyways, I also finally read the 4th and latest chapter of the Social Skills fanfiction and it is great. Can't wait to see what will happen now that Leonard has a computer. Not sure how far the fanfiction is with Young Sheldon lore but I assume the author will be adapting the story about Sheldon getting a computer to be because of Leonard instead of what it was in the actual show. Also, I might be way too obsessed with Solitaire. I constantly like to grab my Kindle to play EA Solitaire. Either that or EA Sudoku. Whichever one comes first...
Anyways, I might log off soon since it's 10 minutes past 9:30 and I want to play some more Solitaire. Bye Bye!

Thursday, February 22, 2024

9:17 AM

I did the egg drop yesterday and my egg didn't break which is great until you realize that whenever I do something incredible, it usually means that everyone else I know had something happen with their projects. I don't know why but my project was the only one that didn't crack and everyone wants to know how I did it

Friday, March 1, 2024

2:37 PM

Sorry for no updates. I've been a bit busy. Anyways, I recently got in touch with George after 2-3 years of no contact and I also recently made a new group of friends. For some reason though, I seem to be finding a few people with the name of Alex (Agee, Alex from the balcony, and annoying Alex). Besides that, not a lot has happened recently. Also, I fell out of love with Tupac in case my update on the entry from 10th wasn't already obvious enough because he doesn't love me like I do and if he's just going to endlessly complain about how no girl loves him at our school, then I might as well give up on that pointless task of trying to help him get a girlfriend

Wednesday, March 6, 2024 - SAT Day

12:56 PM

Hello. So, I just took the SAT today and I'm still kind of tired so sorry if my grammar and punctuation is off. Anyways, the test was kind of easy. The reading and writing portion was kind of difficult because of the advanced vocabulary so I might need to brush up on a few words with a dictionary and thesaurus. Math was easy but there were questions where I forgot I had the digital calculator and I tried to solve them by hand which took more time. I had most of the test done except for the 2nd reading and 1st math sections where I was almost done. When I get my phone back, I have to text my friend because I told him I was taking the test and want him to know it wasn't that bad. I might also be signing up to retake the SAT next year if my score isn't that good since I want a good score to get into my dream school where I live or go off to some place that's interesting. Maybe New York...

Sometimes I wish I had the power to teleport so that I could be anywhere I want to because I'll admit that my life gets kind of boring and lonely when I'm not at school. Outside of school, I don't really talk to anyone. There's my parents but it's not like we really have much to talk about. Most of the time, my parents are always talking about family drama or my dad talks about his work as a manager and when I finally get to talk about what I want (mostly just computer science things and a few funny jokes), it feels like I'm just talking to myself. I added most of my friends on Discord and a few on Instagram but we don't really like to talk on the phone or they talk to other people. At least the internet exists and I know some people there but the physical distance keeps us apart and then I start to get a little sad because of how much I hate feeling lonely.

Anyways, that's enough sadness for now. I'm starting to get bored and we might be leaving this room soon so I'm going to end the post here now so that it doesn't get deleted. For any updates on anything I have to say after this post, you can either check back here periodically or add me on My username on there is @exclusiveconte2. Thank you for reading. I might post something else later today or tomorrow but we shall see. Bye Bye! :)

Thursday, March 7, 2024

11:59 AM - 12:40 AM

Hey there! As you can see, this website has had a few changes. Most of these changes are meant to improve the overall user experience. Right now, I'm in class and my government teacher isn't here so I might just chill for a bit. There's something I noticed and it's quite strange. So, I've been thinking about the fact that despite me running this website, I've never actually shared this website with anyone. I should probably change that so everyone can see and learn about my magnificent life. Not everything I do is impressive but if it were, then I would like at least 1 person to read it. If you're here, then it means that I felt comfortable with sharing my life with you.

Friday, March 8, 2024 - Friday before Spring Break

10:11 PM - 11:16 PM

It feels so strange to know that next week is Spring Break. It feels like just yesterday everyone was saying their Hail Mary's and hoping that a miracle would keep 2024 from being yet another horrible year. Then again, time moves very quickly and it's not surprising to see that we're already this far into 2024. Today wasn't a bad day. If anything, it was a great day. I woke up at about 7:30 and then I got ready for school. We had to go and pick up Mariana since her mom's car was trapped under the metal roofing of the reserved parking lots and neither of us can legally drive but she took almost forever to get out. Don't take this the wrong way. I get that she lives on the 3rd floor of the apartment complex but at most it should only take you 30 seconds to go down the stairs. Trust me! I've been up and down those stairs like 10 times by now and it does not take that long. Anyways, I was SUPER excited for the thought of getting the Monday after Spring Break off but as always, our teacher just had to ruin the fun by reminding us that we get the day off on the high school side but not the college side >:(

I'm not joking. She actually told me and Marie about this as we were walking off. Then again, I can't complain. If I hadn't chosen to take DC ENGL 1302 I would've either had to dumb myself down and take regular English with teachers like Ms. Waddy (IDK if she still teaches English 3 since she's also teaching English 4 but I'm pretty sure she does) and Mr. Sharber or torture myself in AP Lang with Ms. Atwell and I'm not a big fan of AP classes. Before you all start calling me out for being a hypocrite about all of this, just know that I'm only taking AP classes like AP Pre-Cal because I feel like I have to and not because I feel like I can actually get a 3. As for classes like AP Computer Science Principles, I actually do think I can succeed at getting at least a 3 so those type of classes are the ones I don't really have too much self-doubt in.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

11:59 PM

So, I had a good day. We woke up early for an important appointment and ate some good breakfast. Also, I went to a baptism party and it was fun getting money. So, one of the godfathers threw money for the kids because it's tradition for the godfather to give the kids money. Anyways, I also spoke to George until my phone died and then I spoke some more with him until he stopped sending me DMs. BTW, Marie is totally DELULU and she knows it too which is hilarious. I'm just glad she's happy because I don't like seeing frowns. They tend to put me in a bad mood A LOT >:(

Sunday, March 10, 2024

1:44 AM (the next night)

So I'm bored right now and I have no school this week

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

10:07 AM

I'm currently in English class and I'm so bored. I've got a research paper to do for this class on the moral complexities of internet censorship and I don't know how to phrase my opinions. I want to talk about how I personally think that misinformation on the internet should be censored. However, I've got no good ideas

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

1:31 PM

I can't keep doing this. I can't keep lying to myself. I think I let my love for my last crush (the guy after Tupac) become way too much of an obsession. I've been thinking about what I can do to deal with this and my only solution is to move on. I've been dedicating myself to the CS program more even though it's going downhill but knowing my skills and abilities, it wouldn't surprise me if I made a name for myself in the future and had the CS teachers bringing me up as a good example in future generations

Saturday, March 30

3:42 PM

I've been having a pretty boring day so far

Monday, April 1, 2024 - The AP Computer Science Principles Create Performance Task

9:59 AM

So I've been trying to code the thing for the performance task but it hasn't exactly been working out like I wanted it to so I might quit and do something else instead for the task because Reversi is complex and this will just take more time. Honestly, I don't even remember why I decided coding reversi was a good idea. Maybe it was one of those things I did when I was tired and couldn't form coherent thoughts (let alone type or write properly. My handwriting is atrocious when I'm tired and I can't spell right). I genuinely don't know how to keep going but I think I've got a plan to salvage my efforts. It's just not something I'm genuinely looking forward to doing because it means that I'm probably going to have to cite stuff if there's code that isn't mine. Basically, my plan is to teach that AI assistant that I made for automating some of my CS stuff the version of Javascript to try and understand how to make the Reversi game without the super complicated method I'm trying. I say I'm not looking forward to this because today was hour 5 and I've got 9 class hours to do this. The rest is my own time. If I don't succeed, then all of this will be for nothing

BTW, our AP Pre-Cal teacher isn't here and I'm so happy

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

1:27 AM

Dude I can't sleep right now so I decided to stay awake

9:09 AM

OK so I'm in english class right now and I put the link to my website on one of the digital whiteboards before getting to the classroom. I'm pretty sure the board will get erased soon but it was nice to give the page some promotion. Also, I really need to work on my slideshow for my internet censorship research paper in English class since I've got no ideas on what to put for the slides. I also need to create a bill for my government class and I don't know what type of bill I want to make. If you're here because of the board and want to give me ideas, check the contact page for my social media accounts and my email. Speaking of the contact page, how many of you would like for me to put in one of those comment box things? It's not hard to put one in but I'm too lazy to code one myself so I might just get one from the HTML Comment Box. BTW, if anyone knows where I can get a cheap replacement charging case for airpods pro, please let me know. I lost my original case for the 1st gen airpods after it fell outside around November and I'm pretty sure it fell into one of those annoying things for catching extra rainwater that leads to the sewers. Anyways, I've got something else to talk about but idk if it can be considered gossip or just an angry rant. After all, I'm very good at ranting angrily if something or someone makes me mad.

I was just chilling in my 7th period class the other day you know just doing my work when a certain annoyance decided to bring up how he wants to take me to the military ball next year. Now, if you've got class with me, then you know who I'm talking about but if you don't, then just know it's Jadon, the guy with the crayola hoodie. Then, we went to CS2 and we were doing the word counts assignment. For the word count assignment, we needed to use a for loop and an if statement. Here's the code for it since it's a past assignment by this point anyways

Right Code

The code should print out something like this if we use a phrase like "to be or not to be that is the question":
{'to':2, 'be':2, 'or':1, 'not':1, 'that':1, 'is':1, 'the':1, 'question':1}

Now, there was some confusion because some people thought we needed 2 for loops at first. I wasn't the one who did though. I was thinking of assigning the key a value of 1 and then doing an if statement if the word was repeating. Running my code in a compiler though, I can see where this would go wrong since it'll either assign everything a 1 without the else statement or a 2 if the if statement goes last. Jadon however had a different solution. Here's what he was thinking

Wrong Code

Donnie had found the solution and when I saw it, I was instantly furious at Jadon because I wasted my time on writing a solution that wouldn't even work properly. It's just so annoying because I genuinely did not want Jadon to work with me but he just decided that he really wanted me to use his ideas anyways even though I'm clearly better at solving the problems in class

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

9:07 AM - 10:29 AM

So, apparently I didn't fail the grammar quiz from last week. I got a 90 and I still don't know how or why? The results were really horrible when I submitted my 1st and 2nd attempts although maybe there were multiple ways to rewrite the sentences. Also, I've been watching YouTube on my phone lately and I realized that whenever you get 2 ads on the Youtube app, you can no longer skip both ads by just skipping one which is just so annoying because I don't want to just spend my time watching 1 ad and then another. Why can't I just skip 1 to skip both like on the computer? Also, I was headed home from school when my mom told me that Miley was apparently not feeling well and her mom is sad. Now, old friends of mine will know that we don't really get along because she lied about one of my oldest friends being mean to her and then played the victim card when I refused to talk to her because of it. However, this does not mean I genuinely wish her pain. That would just be too cruel even for my standards. I only point this out because I know there's going to be someone saying "But you always wish pain and suffering onto Jadon when he makes you mad. How is this any different?" due to my sometimes sadistic attitude towards him. That's just different from this. BTW, if you're reading this Jadon, I don't actually hate you. Sometimes, you can be a bit of a pain if I'm kind of in a bad mood and your questions are frustrating me but for the most part, you're actually not that bad of a person. Just try to take a chill pill when you're hyper and it'll be fine. Also, I looked up that funny video you showed me of the prank texts from James Veitch. Anyways, my mom been trying to subtly figure out what happened to Miley without directly asking her family because that would just be really inconsiderate of us. Hopefully it's nothing too serious although I'm going to be frank and just say that we may never really know the whole truth until Miley reappears. I'm going to end this entry here but I'll come back later. Bye Bye!

Thursday, April 4, 2024

9:16 AM - 11:10 AM

I'm so bored right now. Basically, I was awake last night and I saw that someone had sent me a message but I was so tired and it was past 11 PM that I just went to sleep without texting back. I don't really know what to talk about so I'm just going to talk about random things for now. Yesterday, I was falling asleep in AP Pre-Cal and I was messing up my spelling and my numbers.

8:44 PM

I'm currently trying to finish up my essay and slideshow but it's kind of hard. I probably shouldn't have waited until the last minute but I have AI helping me out a bit.

Friday, April 5, 2024

9:41 AM - 10:17 AM

Hello! So, I did not finish the powerpoint or the essay but I did attach the presentation to the assignment so it would be there after the deadline and I turned in what I had for the research paper. I also got back my results for the SAT and I got a 1100. According to the internet and most websites, this isn't a bad score for my 1st time taking the SAT and it will get me to most colleges. I personally want to go to UT Dallas for Computer Science since it's not far from here and it isn't a bad school. It says here on College Simply that the range my SAT score falls under isn't exactly competitive but I've still got a chance to get in. My score gets a 68% chance of acceptance. However, I may be getting Python Certified soon and if I also include that with my applications, my chances may increase. After I got my score, I got a bunch of messages and 1 of them was from UT Austin, my former dream school (before I failed OnRamps Chemistry with them). To be honest, I would consider going to Austin but the fact that I failed the OnRamps lecture course while somehow passing the lab course and my sister lives in Austin means the odds just aren't particularly in my favor. Don't misinterpret this. I don't hate my sister but the fact that we've never really spoken except for once basically means I have no sister. It's like "How can I talk to someone I don't really know?" or reach out. My mom and dad once said something along the lines of "If you really want to go to Austin and you get into UT Austin, we can reach out to Natalie so you can stay with her while you study" but what if Natalie doesn't want me around? I mean she's got her own life and the only reason why she left the DFW area was because she got an internship that had her moving to Austin a day after getting her degree and graduating. The only real time she's reached out is when I had my quinceañera and that was it. I've also considered studying abroad in Mexico but I need my dual nationality for that and I can't exactly get that since my parents refuse to move forwards with the process. My dad can get his dual nationality but he refuses to ask for all of the documents he needs. He can get the birth and death certificates downtown and marriage documents from my grandparents at the church. However, he thinks it's too hard and refuses to try. I can get my dual nationality but my mom refuses to start the process because she's waiting for my dad to do his process and she thinks I'm too young to decide that I want more than 1 nationality even though I literally know the documents required and process by memory.

Monday, April 8, 2024

4:19 PM

Eclipse book

Hey there! So, today's the day of the eclipse. I was really excited because this is something that I won't get to see again until 2044-2045 (so in 20 or 21 years). I was thinking about Ms. Newman during CS II out of boredom because why not and I realized something. We should really consider making a book in which we write about how our experiences were with her as our teacher. I mean, the book will surely contain enough information to make the money pour like it's nothing and it'll certainly be quite the interesting read for most since we'll be dropping it like it's hot.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

10:28 AM

Java_pic1 Java_pic2

Hello again! I've got some random thoughts to share. So, I was busy thinking about how weird it is that sophmores used to learn Java after Javascript but now they learn Python and how the seniors are supposedly in a class about Java yet they still use Python. As much as I love to trash on the current situation with the CS program, the fact that Java is being eradicated from the pathway honestly makes me a bit disappointed since I was hoping to actually practice my Java skills in order to not forget how to code in the language

Thursday, April 11, 2024

9:02 AM - 9:25:48 AM


Hello again! I am currently inside of a holding room. It seems like every day, I keep getting better and better at this HTML stuff. The image above is even an actual hyperlink that leads to the official PAC-Man Google Doodle. The way you make an image a hyperlink in HTML is by putting the code to display an image inside the text section of the code to make a hyperlink. I know right? It's wicked awesome. Anyways, I'm like really bored so I might just talk for a bit. I wasn't tired this morning but I woke up to more updates in my feed about the whole teacher thing. Can you believe that a teacher decided getting involved romantically with a student was a good idea? I certainly found the thought of that to be pretty disgusting and just seeing the mugshot was enough to make me question what reality we live in where teachers think this is ok. Anyways, this is already getting boring so I'm just going to post this and then I'm going to play some Solitaire. Bye Bye for now!

Sunday, April 14, 2024

1:55 PM

No blog entry today due to church. Go forth and be better people on this day. Feed the homeless, call an old friend or family member, or just do a favor for someone in good faith.

Monday, April 15, 2024

11:40:29 AM - 12:08:48 PM


Hey there! Sorry for no updates on Friday. I was busy and didn't have time to log on. Anyways, I'm currently preparing for the big presentation tomorrow. It's literally worth everything and I can't fail. Luckily, it's not that bad and I'm almost done with the presentation. The bad part is that I didn't turn it in so if I fail, it'll be really bad.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

12:09 PM - 12:15 PM

I didn't suck at my presentation. I got a good grade and even though I barely had any info, it still impressed my teacher. I'm honestly surprised it worked. Anyways, I'm going to put the rubric here later because I don't have my phone and I'm too lazy to take the picture now

Friday, April 19, 2024

8:59:56 PM


Greetings! I'm currently waiting for Brandon, the guy I used to be friends with sophomore year before he got expelled (he was stalking his ex even though she had a restraining order on him), to say he's ready to talk to me. I know he's probably going to try and blame me for what happened to him but I'm just going to head into things unfazed at the situation in the event that he does get mad at me over what he chose to do. Also, I'm talking to George as I speak because he's online and we're both bored

Saturday, April 20, 2024

4:52:38 PM


I took a mock AP Pre-Cal Test with a bunch of other people from other high schools and since I was the only student from my high school, my mock test is the only test my teacher can use to determine what we need to review before test day. Also, I'm pretty sure he's not going to be happy upon getting only one set of testing documents. Especially since it's mine and I suck at math

Video Of The Day: I Modded My 3DS: Was it Worth It? by George Dragon

Sunday, April 21, 2024

1:45 PM - 1:49 PM

No blog post for today. I've got to unfortunately go to church. Go be good people and do good deeds today. Eventually, you'll be rewarded for what you do today.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

9:23 PM - 10:27 PM


Today's been alright. Nothing really special happened. I already know I'm going to pass DC ENGL 1302 and I almost took the PCEP today. The only reason why I didn't was because I'm still not fully confident and I felt like I still needed to review at least the final exam block on the Python Certification exam. However, I know I'm definitely taking it on Monday and I know that by then, I'll definitely do better. Besides, I can definitely get better in 3-4 days.

Jadon read my blog again and began profusely apologizing for everything that I was upset at him for in some of my past entries which really got me thinking about the following question. Do people really fear me for my blog or do they just fear being talking about badly? Anyways, Korbyn (Yes, I am bringing you up again. Don't feel so special) told me that I have no sympathy (Or empathy. I really can't tell the 2 apart) just because of the things I said about Jadon. I personally don't care about what people take away from reading my blog. If you don't like something I said about you, then please let me know by using one of the contact methods here. I will say though that I would like for you to state who you are if I don't know you personally. God knows I get way too much spam mail nowadays.

If time would slow down, I would love to keep talking to my heart's content. However, I have to get going because it's late and I need sleep. I also just need a break from how angry I was earlier today when I noticed that almost the whole table in my business class for 6th period was trying to not laugh at me because I brought up wanting to get a PhD in Computer Science when the teacher asked me about what I wanted my future to be like. At least that's over. If anyone is still reading this, the following is the plan for Friday night. Bye Bye! :)

The Plan For Friday Night

Monday, April 29, 2024

10:27 PM

Python Certificate

I've done it. I got Python Certified today! That right there is my official certificate for the PCEP-30-02. I got certified with a score of an 84% and I can finally relax because I earned it. Let's just hope the others don't make a big deal out of it...

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

9:13 AM

I'm about to take the mock exam for the AP CSP class. To be honest, I'm kind of nervous because I forgot to turn in my files for the task but I heard that if you answer at least 63 questions, you can still pass the test with a 3 and get college credit. Thanks Elijah for telling me about Jacob's experience :)

11:04 AM

The tests are down and I am so bored. Elijah is also here... PLZ let me sink into the carpet (jk. I still have a life to live)

12:39 PM

I finished the multiple choice part and I am very tired. Most of my friends aren't in CSP so they're either in holding rooms or they're in testing rooms if they're freshmen. To be honest, I really hope we don't have to do the written response since I'm already tired and I'm also kind of hungry at the moment. I want to work on being a better person since I genuinely feel like my own mind isn't letting me move on from the past. There's just so much going on that I don't want to talk about

Monday, May 6, 2024

9:25 AM - 10:35 AM

The program that you see here is actually not new. It's a program that I made back in November in the sandbox. However, it wasn't super interesting at the time so I decided to kind of just keep it to myself and I forgot all about it until now. BTW, I got to upload my files for the Create Performance Task today so now I'm not too worried about it. Also, here's a lovely table of all my upcoming tests

AP Test Calendar

Test Date Time
AP Macroeconomics Friday, May 10, 2024 Afternoon 12 p.m. Local Time
AP Pre-Calculus Monday, May 13, 2024 Afternoon 12 p.m. Local Time
AP Computer Science Principles Wednesday, May 15, 2024 Afternoon 12 p.m. Local Time

Thursday, May 9, 2024

11:07 AM


That is not a joke. I'm currently drinking some coke as we speak. Anyways, my day's been pretty ok. I passed the test for English yesterday which secures my grade for the class. In regards to what's happened after the PCEP, I took a summary test. However, I didn't do so well even though you would think the Python certification means the test should've been a breeze. I think the issue was that the overall Python course is broad while the PCEP exam is specific and only focuses on the most important things to know as far as basic Python fundamentals go. After all, there are certainly things on that exam that I didn't need to know for the PCEP like bitwise operators. Unfortunately, this did come with consequences for others since Jadon sits right next to me and my score freaked him out.

Because of my score, Jadon decided to crush his own self confidence and now doesn't believe in his own Python abilities. He chooses to tie down his own self-worth to an exam that doesn't define him as a person. The worst part is that I know Jadon doesn't care about Python or anything related to being Python certified but he's put himself in a position where he's forcing himself to care just because he's surrounded himself by people who already got Python certified. He even told us yesterday that he only cares about cybersecurity stuff and we told him to focus on cybersecurity certifications instead but he won't listen because of what he thinks we expect of him.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

11:49 PM

The AP Pre-Cal test is tomorrow. To be honest, I don't think I'm going to do well on it because I struggle with Pre-Cal but I'm still going to try anyways. Before the test, I have 5th period with Marie and she told me that she wants to study since the college class is over now and I'm bringing my math book. For 6th period, my teacher isn't going to be here since he went to Chicago with BPA so I'm also planning on studying there and trying to maintain my composure. Today's been pretty alright. It rained a lot and I was tired after leaving the mall but I can't sleep right now which is just great. I'll just write more tomorrow though because I actually want to try sleeping. Bye Bye!

Thursday, May 16, 2024

9:12 AM

Yesterday was the day of the AP Computer Science Principles exam. I think I did good and I shockingly finished the whole thing. If I get a score, it might be a 3 since I doubt my FRQ responses are getting a good score and the multiple choice was easy. Sometimes I wonder if AP CSP is for high schoolers or babies because of how laughably easy the course can be. I swear the only "rigorous" part of the course is the Create Performance Task and that's only because it actually requires you to think about what you're going to make and some people because they think they can get by without it but freak out when they can't.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

9:31 AM - 10:14 AM

Daily Prompt: What kind of program do you enjoy most on TV (detective shows, comedies, game shows, etc.) and why?

I personally enjoy watching stuff if it's good so I don't really have a preference. However, I do enjoy watching game shows like Family Feud and Deal or No Deal (I know I haven't seen the reboot of Deal or No Deal but I promise I'll do it eventually over the summer). I also like watching those talent shows with contestants like America's Got Talent. However, my personal all time favorite is Penn & Teller: Fool Us because it's a show where contestants have to fool Penn and Teller, 2 of the best magicians in the world, by performing impressive magic tricks in front of them and if Penn and Teller get fooled by the trick, the contestant gets invited to join their Las Vegas show as an opening act. It's also free to stream on the CW app and website which is shocking. Abbott Elementary is also a great show but I didn't watch it until I saw it on Hulu and Max (We don't get free Max anymore and I don't know why so I've been streaming it on Disney+ with the bundle). I just wish I had the motivation to actually watch public TV because my lack of motivation and the fact that we're always streaming shows on Netflix or Disney+ means that there's just shows I start to watch on basic TV stations but never finish. Even if I wanted to go back and finish them, I'd either have to purchase more streaming services or consider pirating because the majority of what I watch is stuff that Netflix lost during the streaming wars as more streaming services were being made. I also watch a lot of those courtroom shows on Freevee and basic TV. Here's a list of some of the shows in this genre that I watch: Judge Judy, Judy Justice, Judge Faith, Caso Cerrado (iconic show for all hispanic people), and Tribunal Justice. I decided to complete this prompt because I felt like talking for a bit about all the stuff I watch. However, I don't know what else to add and this is getting pretty long so I'm going to stop here. Also, I just really want to watch Penn & Teller: Fool Us on my school laptop so I'm going to get a new Interstellar link from my phone. If you guys have show recommendations, I have a comment box set up in my contact page but you can also just DM me on Instagram or Discord if I have you added on there. Bye Bye!

Monday, May 20, 2024

9:16 AM - 9:54 AM

Daily Prompt: How do you feel now that the school year is ending?

To be honest, the end of this school year is something that I myself did not expect to be talking about. Especially so openly on my blog. This school year has honestly been one of my better years for the sole reason that I stopped caring or at least tried to stop caring about what other people think of me. I've been putting myself out there more and doing incredible things. I got Python certified almost a month ago and while everyone was happy in the moment, it now just feels like nothing came out of it. What? Did you seriously expect me to say that I already know what I'm going to do with the PCEP-30-02 certification? I'm going to be honest when I say this and to any of the CS teachers, please don't get offended. What was the whole point of getting us certified? Are we going to get some sort of internship or something next year where our PCEP certifications will actually be put to use? I never did tell you all about what happened to me because of the certification but let's just say that the 1st week, I got 2 job offers from some random people. Obviously, there's no way I'm telling my mom and dad that I got these offers or else they'd freak out and berate me for not taking them at that moment. However, the offers seemed fake since they weren't from any companies or numbers in Texas so I didn't respond and I haven't gotten any more offers since then. I was also the only certified person in Computer Science that was considered for any jobs from what I heard by my certified friends and the messages themselves were very secretive so it all just seemed really weird at the time. I bring this up to say something and it's that as it stands, I don't have any plans. My life is at a breaking point where I genuinely have a lot that I want to talk about and not enough time to say it. Most of it just stems from my own mother and the expectations that I have being placed onto me but that's a different story for a different day.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

9:40 AM - 10:29 AM

Daily Prompt: What are your summer plans?

I don't have a lot planned for this summer. Tomorrow is my last day of school and also my last day here before I go on vacation for a week. After that, I've got nothing. I don't have any special projects or responsibilities to take care of. For the most part, I'll just be working in my lab and helping out my mom. Besides that, I won't really have much going on. I do want to get into the web design business though and I also might start coding apps in the app lab for other people because making apps is actually kind of fun and I can make money off of it. If I do actually start charging people money for all of this, I won't really say anything about it because I know what my mom will say. She'll immediately start asking where the money came from and she might force me to start putting it in the ofrenda (tithing) at church and I don't want that. There's also a chance that she might start questioning whether or not I'm doing good things even more now since she's convinced herself that I'm a bad kid for some reason. My dad won't really care just as long as I'm not ripping off people but he will definitely stop paying for stuff when we go out. I think the main problem with all of this is that for some reason, my mom has this preconcieved notion that everything I do online is bad so if she sees me with money, she might just assume that this is all shady and I don't want that because I don't do shady stuff

Thursday, May 23, 2024

9:10 AM

Daily Prompt: No prompt selected

Hey there! I figured I'd make this entry because of the fact that I'm going away on vacation and don't know if I'll be able to post while I'm gone. I talked with Tupac yesterday and he was telling me about his prom experience and just a lot of stuff that should've rattled me to my core. However, none of it did because I've already gotten so used to disappointment after disappointment that it doesn't faze me. He could tell that I wasn't fine and asked me if I was ok after what he told me but I had to lie. Lying about my emotions is the one thing I'm good at doing nowadays. I accidentally almost vented to the people in George's call yesterday even though I promised myself I wouldn't do it. To be honest, I was happy when I joined the call but I couldn't keep up the facade and said something snarky to Sam which led to me almost exploding and talking about everything. The only people who know what's up are Emily and most of my school friends but they're all sealed tight like jars and won't say a word. Over the summer, I need to find a way to avoid reality because I can't take it anymore. All I want is for things to go back to the way they were when I didn't constantly get deja vu just by seeing the life I can't have. Marie and Korbyn are together but why can't I also have that? Why can't I have a relationship like that? Is it because of what I did? Did my actions or my words cause this? Overall, I'm just tired of my bad luck. It's causing problems for me everywhere I go and I don't like it one bit.

Friday, May 24, 2024

5:24 PM - 5:46 PM

Well, I've made it safely to my grandma's house in Mexico. I honestly wanted to be here so badly because of just how much misery and bad luck I was having back in the states. The only boring part is that I don't know what to do now. I could watch some TV but it's all telenovelas and I could definitely check my discord but I'm not in the mood to see all or most of my friends being offline. I swear summer break made everyone stay away from the PC. On one hand, I can understand. School was a brutal prison that killed our souls. However, we won't see each other in 2 months so we might as well try to keep in touch as much as we can. I guess I was kind of hoping that Alex would be online so we can talk because talking to him is really fun. I just wish we could've done more of that during the school year. The same could be said about talking to Tupac. He was a great guy and it's a shame I probably won't see him in person again but he said I can follow him on Instagram so I'm not that sad that he's gone because I know I can text him once he accepts my follow request (he's got a private account).

Monday, June 3, 2024

12:00 AM - 12:07 AM

Daily Prompt: No prompt selected

I'm back from my vacation. I enjoyed it a lot and I even feel like I was finally able to just let loose. I might text a friend of mine. If you're reading this Emily, it's exactly who you think it is >_<. I was really happy to be back home and on Saturday, I was rolling in my bed with a dumb smile on my face because Tupac added me on Instagram. I really want to talk to him but I'm scared and nervous about what he'll say if I do. I'm going to do it tomorrow though because I can't let fear stop me from doing it. Also, vacation photos will be up soon once I get the rest from my dad in high quality

Thursday, June 6, 2024

12:20 AM

Daily Prompt: No prompt selected

I don't know why but I really don't know how to talk to Tupac. It's only been a few weeks but I really want to text him. I just don't know how to do it without making things awkward. Why is communicating so hard?

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

8:21 PM

I'm fuming right now. So, I was just chilling right (You know, just doing my own thing) when I suddenly see it. I see the discord notifications on my phone from the discord server. I click it hesitantly because I already know that whatever I see is just going to make me furious due to the indirect effect it will cause. I see a funny video from birkneo where he claims that the girl in it is George's girl. I don't really care about that though. What I care about is what I see next. So, I decided to check and see who's online from my friends because I'm bored and want to see what they're up to. Anyways, I check and see that George's status says "being kidnaped by the us goverment rn". That made me furious because of this. I honestly thought that talking to George again after a long time would fix whatever was going wrong with my life but it actually made things worse. I became a more destructive person and now I can't even talk to my crush because whenever i'm about to literally type something in the chat, I get nervous and I get out of the chat. I see he's online but my thoughts paralyze whenever I see the words "Active Now" underneath his name on Instagram. If anyone has bothered to put up with my rage through text and was convinced that I had a crush on George, here's the truth. I did not fall in love with George because it soon became apparent to me that his presence was ruining everything for me. I don't get emotionally attached to people that I begin to despise and if I did, then I'd still be attached to the 1st girl I ever fell in love with (Sylvia) or I'd actually bother to try and maintain a friendship with Mariana evem though we're only friends because our moms are still friends. I don't actually despise George but I just hate that he sort of gave me some bad luck in life. As I'm typing this, I'm listening to some cumbias because I need my comfort music or else I'm going to start crying a lot and my dad's going to freak out if my eyes turn red. I might turn off the music soon because I want to watch The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare on the MacBook and I might play some Pac-Man Championship Edition DX + on my PS3 later. I'll talk to you all some other day once I've calmed down. Bye Bye...

Thursday, July 4, 2024

3:25 AM

Hello there. I'm sorry for the lack of updates. I was kind of busy with my own stuff and trying to not explode in flames. I cannot believe that it's been a while and I'm still not able to talk to George because I want to spare him of the angry rant I know I have yet to give. I refuse to give him that rant because I don't want to say stuff to him that I know I will regret. I just hope I can talk to him before it's too late. I'll also write some more eventually because I don't have much to say for today. Bye Bye!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

12:36 AM - 12:54 AM

I recently got back my scores for the 3 AP tests I took this year. All my score predictions were correct. I got a 3 for CSP, a 2 for Precal, and a 1 for Macro. I didn't want my parents to think I'm unmotivated about college so I only told them about the result for CSP since it's the only test I got college credit for and I only failed the other tests because none of us learned anything in the Macro class and I didn't properly manage my time on the calculator part of the multiple choice for Precal. My mom didn't hate my score but she did remark that it could have been better and didn't understand why I'm no longer in the AB Honor Roll consistently. I think the thing that decreased my score from a 4 to a 3 was the performance task but I knew everything else since I'm one of the smartest in Computer Science so I didn't worry because I knew I'd pass. Besides, I also became a Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer through my PCEP test around the same time. On the one hand, I can understand why she's concerned but at the same time, it hurts that she didn't celebrate this achievement because she usually celebrates my achievements in the Computer Science field. I guess the only good part about this is that I had my best friends congratulate me for my score on the CSP exam. For next year, I know AP Environmental Science will be an easy subject so I'll probably get a 3 or 4. I'm also taking AP Calculus AB but I heard the test is super easy so I'm hoping I at least get a 3. That's enough of my thoughts though for tonight. I hope whoever reads this has a good day. Bye Bye!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

10:54 AM

Good morning! I wish I could say that I'm in a good mood but to be honest, I'm not. Mom made lentils and I hate lentils. I know hate is a strong word but I really don't like eating lentils. In fact, you couldn't pay me a million dollars to eat the whole bowl because of how much I hate the taste of the itty bitty lentils. Anyways, I was speaking to my mom a few days ago about Project 2025, the Republican plan to overthrow the US government, and she told me that nothing bad will happen from it. I personally feel like my mom is trying to find the positive side of things in a situation where nothing positive can come of it. I just hope Biden can keep people like my mom protected in case the inevitable does occur

Tuesday, July 22, 2024

9:16 PM - 9:59 PM

Hello! A lot has happened since my last entry. For starters, Biden dropped out of the presidential reelection campaign and VP Harris has taken his place in the reelection campaign until the Democratic Convention where someone new will be nominated. Also, I heard she's beating Trump in the polls by a lot. I've been listening to a lot of cumbias and music in Spanish. I also forgot to say it last time but I also opened up a noplace account for fun. Besides that, not much has happened. Today me and my dad got some free pickleball sets at T-Mobile because I want to start doing fun things with my parents. Saturday is my birthday and I still can't believe I'm turning 17. Apparently photos from when I was 15 fool people because I set a selfie I took of myself when i was 15 as my Discord profile picture and nobody can tell that it's not a new photo. Besides that, I don't have much to say.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

12:41 PM - 1:16 PM

I'm not happy. So, tomorrow is when schedules drop and I'm super nervous because I don't know who my new teachers will be. I was checking the teacher training photos and I noticed that a figure similar to Mr. Gallaher is in one of the shots. I also heard that Mr. Webster got the job as a new CS teacher so maybe Mr. Wunderlich retired after 1 year. On the bright side, I heard his courses were a ranting snoozefest so possibly having a younger teacher is great.

Before anyone asks, I DO NOT CARE ABOUT WHO MY CS TEACHER WILL BE. If anything, I'm far more concerned about who will take over Mr. Casper's classes since I signed up for National Security and DC TX Government before he got his new job at McDonald Middle School. Anyways, I might end the entry here since I need to change my website with a new CSS theme or edit the current one. Bye Bye!

7:37 PM - 10:15 PM

I'm back. So, I made the website look far more pleasing as you can see. The paragraphs are no longer on the edge of the page and there is empty space at the top and bottom of the page. Anyways, I finally got registered for the next school year and as stated previously, tomorrow is when schedules drop. I'm not as nervous as I was earlier today.

Wait a minute...

How did I miss this typo? I literally typed nervouse instead of nervous on my last entry. Hold my next thought for just a sec while I fix this.

I just fixed that entry. Anyways, I stopped being nervous after my mom pointed out that she saw most of the new teachers on the VIP were extremely young. I realized that younger teachers are more likely to relate to us and that calmed my fears. Besides, I'm definitely going to meet some new faces at the Open House on Thursday like Mr. Webster who's also teaching CS now and the replacement for Mr. Casper since I'd signed up for DC TX Government and National Security.

As much as I'd love to keep talking, it's getting late and I want to go to my room since this entry took longer to type after I got distracted by playing Microsoft Jewel Plus and watching YouTube. To whoever reads this, I hope you're doing well. If you follow me on Instagram, I'll post my schedule tomorrow in my close friends story so stay tuned for that. If you don't have Instagram, I guess you can just ask me by checking the contact page for my email or waiting until next week at school. Discord is also an option if you already have me added on there. Anyways, that's all for tonight. Bye Bye!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

2:18 AM - 2:43 AM

I got lazy and decided to just type this on my iPhone. My thumb almost cramped up because I can't select to delete on where I test entries before uploading them to my actual page.

I'm staying up for a bit to see when schedules drop so I find out sooner than most what classes I got. It's almost 3 AM and still nothing. Maybe they'll come out by 6 or 7 AM but IDK. I'm going to type more soon. Bye Bye for now!

3:05 AM

Slightly off topic but I just realized that there's a chance I might bump into Alex at the Open House. I'm mostly nervous about that because I saved his Spotify playlist and he doesn't know I did that

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

11:49 AM - 11:57 AM - DC American Literature

I'm having a great time on this first day of school. Calculus wasn't difficult so far but it felt weird not having Mr. Spencer be mad about us not knowing stuff. Next class is Practicum of Computer Science (Yes I know the joke. Do not remind me of it). Anyways, I'm excited to see some of my friends again. I just hope Mr. Webster doesn't assign a seating chart. I'm gonna go now but I'll type more later. Bye Bye!

2:39 PM - 2:52 PM

I'm finally in Mr. Webster's class. It's been fun so far. I am a bit tired though. Might be because I fell asleep at almost 3 AM due to my inexplicable first day jitters...

I'll type more later. Bye Bye!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

3:19 PM - 3:50 PM

It's the 2nd day and I'm actually having a great day. My mom got mad because I stayed up but I'm not tired since I fell asleep after going to the mall yesterday. Tomorrow I have the quiz for the Unit Circle in Calculus but I'm not ready for it yet. I'm terrible at memorizing the Unit Circle so I have to study for that 5 minute quiz tomorrow. I also have to do my introduction for DC American Literature. I'll probably type more later. Bye Bye!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

10:57 AM - 12:55 PM

Sorry for the lack of updates this past week. I've been busy with work for Calculus and haven't had time to update but it's all good now. I'm currently at the meeting for the Dallas College Orientation and we aren't really doing much since it's mostly for new students. I checked my previous grades in the other classes and I got kind of emotional when I saw that Mr. Casper gave me an A for his class last year even though I already knew that was my final grade. This is because all of my other classes were barely passing and I knew that those teachers I had gave me a reputation as a bad student. Looking back, I can see why. I did slack off in the beginning of my collegiate studies.

However, I do feel like it depends on the course style because Mr. Brown's class was mostly just take notes and do essays (2nd semester) while also preparing for STAAR in the 2nd semester. Ms. Brown's class was a mess 1st semester with the facillitated course I had with Dr. Tolle. However, 2nd semester went a little bit better since Ms. Brown was finally able to teach the course. Unfortunately, it was still work that was draining motivation from me and therefore, I wasn't showing my full potential.

The only college class I've ever taken where work wasn't so mentally brutal was Federal Government and that is because I feel like the class wasn't really about memorizing a lot of information and repeating it to my professor. We had tests to ensure we knew the material and we still took notes just like any other course but we also had projects where we demonstrated our understanding of these concepts in a way that was fun. I know it is impossible for all college classes to be structured like this but I at least appreciate that I had a class where the professor didn't want to bore his students.

Overall though, while I do understand that I was a horrible student in the beginning, I improved and that shouldn't be a reason for all my new college professors to start viewing me as a bad student by proxy or whatever the phrase is. I know this started as a little bit of me reminiscing and became a rant but I still feel like it's strange to see how all these years have led up to this moment where I have different options of what I can do and I'm no longer limited to just being one person and my grades will no longer define who I can be as a person.

Monday, August 26, 2024

1:52 AM

I can't sleep so I'm going to update the website. Anyways, I've been pretty good. Yesterday we went to church and the mass was about how Jesus told his disciples that the bread and wine were his body and blood but those that were not the main 12 left him weirded out by what he was saying. After mass, we went off to the house of one of my uncles to ask him about preparations for one of his parties. On Saturday, we got the Los Ángeles Azules concert and I can't wait. I saw some of the footage on their Instagram Stories from the previous concerts and it looks pretty exciting overall. It's just a shame that I don't know anyone at school that likes listening to Los Ángeles Azules or cumbia in general because I want to share my excitement with others. I was also thinking about something that happened last week on Friday and I want to share it.

So, my 5B is Entrepeneurship with Mr. Moss if you didn't know by now. This is important because Alex (my current crush) has AP CSP and that means we get to walk together on the way to 6B. Anyways, Alex got tired of doing his short walk to American Literature and decided that he wants to walk around for a bit before heading to class. He asked me where my class is at and we walked together talking. I'm pretty sure some of the lower classmen thought we were dating but I honestly don't care because of how giddy I was in that moment. That whole moment felt electric because we could've kept talking forever but I snapped out of it when I saw my classroom and reluctantly left Alex to get to class on time. The whole day, I was unable to stop thinking about that moment. It is literally in my mind 24/7 but I don't hate it one bit. If anything, it's giving me ideas for how I'm going to say goodbye whenever we walk together.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

10:28 AM - 10:33 AM

I'm just typing up this quick update. I looked at the wall in C Hall and my Python Certificate is finally on the wall. This is awesome. Also, I'm thinking a lot about how to improve my website since it currently looks like a mess and I want to make it look more professional. If anyone has any suggestions, please go to the contact page and use one of the contact options that isn't the comment box in order to give me suggestions. I'm already looking through some examples of other CodeHS websites on Google so I can get an idea of what I want and what I don't want because I really want to make this website look better for future viewers.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

11:40 AM

We're currently talking about preparations for applying to colleges or considering our future in general. It's made me realize that I should probably take my future even more serious...

I feel like I haven't really focused a lot on my future plans but it's not too late and I can still work on polishing my portfolio. Especially since I plan on trying to get into the University of Texas at Dallas. I don't have a lot to say so I'm ending it here. Bye Bye!

Monday, September 9, 2024 - 1,000 Clicks Edition

3:45 PM

Hey guys! I'm currently updating my website from the Computer Science room and I am excited to annouce that this blog currently has 1,000 Clicks. Thank you to everyone who clicked on this blog wanting to know a little bit more about my website and who I am.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

5:14 PM

I can't stop thinking about how much I hate this society. If you didn't already know, I have autism. It's a very small line on a graph and it doesn't affect my intelligence whatsoever. However, this does mean that I have to attend these yearly meetings called an ARD. Basically, these meetings are just me, my parents, one of my teachers, and my admin all in one conference room to talk about my autism. To start off, everyone was pressuring me to stay until I literally told my mom breathing was a struggle. Next, I signed something on the iPad saying that I could decide for myself at 18. Next, I was listening to them blabber on about how I need to work on my social skills. The part that mostly angers me is the fact that my autism was overly generalized as if it's the only thing that can define me. I wasn't there but my mom told me that she heard them say that a commitee would decide if I can gradute just like everyone else with both ceremonies. I really got angry when I heard that because how can they say that I should be treated differently from others. I get that they're just trying to do something positive but they're not even trying to comprehend my type of autism before deciding what the best way to help me out is. I'm going to keep this kind of short because I don't really have a lot to say and I don't want to let the anger linger in my mind. Bye Bye!

Friday, September 13, 2024

3:18 PM - 4:16 PM

Hello there. It's currently Friday the 13th and I'm chilling in Computer Science. I have some work to do so that's what I'm doing at the moment. It's just kind of hard to come up with the right words to say for the discussion board replies in American Lit. Luckily though, I just finished those which means that the last thing on my agenda is the quiz over the stories we read from Edgar Allan Poe. I might try to use my homework as an excuse to not pray because I honestly do have a lot of homework I can be lazy on and if I can keep up the lie, I might silently play Street Fighters in my room instead of praying when I get done with my work. I know I said it's a lot but most of it is really short so the only way I could possibly take forever on it is by just being lazy and doing other stuff in different tabs of my laptop's browser (Opera). I also really want to put away my PSP in my room so no one touches it and breaks it or something like that. Knowing my mom, she will be a bit upset internally but will ultimately understand that I genuinely have work to do and let me retreat to my room so that I can do it completely undisturbed from the outside prayers. Also, it will help free up space in the living room and kitchen for the guests we'll be having.

Before I go, I do want to type something down as proof that we're not lying in case something bad happens when we get back to CS on Tuesday. The sub is super strict. The teachers don't enforce the phone rules but we still have to keep them out of sight. Also, she doesn't let us open the door to the classroom for anyone. I don't know why but it's kind of annoying when you think about the time wasted just by having her walk from the desk to the door on the other side of the room.I honestly am very surprised by the fact that no one wants to go to the other door in the other room just to not deal with the long wait at the door in our room. I just wish I could go back to the other room but I don't want to get kicked out. Also, I got a watch from Joshua. I think it's a nice gesture and it actually fits in with a cool asthetic that I want to experiment with. If it works out, I might just abandon my Apple Watch because as convenient as it is to be able to control stuff from my wrist, I also need something that won't be a distraction for me during classes because there's a chance I might grow bold and decide one day that I want to look at Alex's face if I set it as a custom watch face. Also, this watch is super useful for AP tests now that I think about it because the only guidelines for watches are that they should not be able to access the internet and that they should be silent or else the beeping noise might cancel the score for that test.

I'm going to end the entry here now because I'm kind of tired and I also typed a lot. Talk to you guys soon. Bye Bye!

Monday, September 16, 2024

10:21 AM - 10:28 AM

Día de la Independencia de México

I'm having a good morning so far. I just wanted to say that I actually just had a very productive time in Entrepeneurship 2 because I was able to do some work that I needed to complete. I also filled out the BPA form because my mom already signed the permission slip for any BPA related events I plan on attending. Anyways, I'm going to end the short entry here because I'm going to play some Minecraft on my PSP. Bye Bye!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

10:35 AM

I just came up with a thought. What if fortune tellers push you to your future instead of telling you about it?

Thursday, September 19, 2024

10:56 AM

I want to work on making a game with PyGame. It seems interesting as an idea

Monday, October 7, 2024

9:22 AM

Today I was thinking a bit about what I want to compete in for BPA and I realized that as much as I love Python, I would like to continue my Java studies so I'm going to compete in Java programming for BPA. Not to mention the fact that I already know Gabriella Estrada is doing Python so I don't want to do the same thing as her even though I'll probably be more qualified than her due to having the PCEP-30-02 certification. Besides, I can get a Certiport certification as an IT Specialist in Java anyways so it will just add more to my repertoire in Computer Science. Even though it doesn't seem like it, I'm actually paying a lot of attention to building a portfolio in different things that interest me related to Computer Science

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

2:07 PM

Something that I haven't given much thought to is the idea of what I want to do with a Computer Science degree. For most of my time actually studying CS, I just assumed that I could get away with just naturally being smart. However, that is not the case and I really don't like it. To make matters even worse, I have to put up with people expecting me to already know what I want to specialize in related to Computer Science. I just took my Java test and I got a 73%. Obviously, I am not happy about this because after submitting the test, I realized that I made some dumb mistakes and that's what made my score go down. I'm not dumb but there's just moments when I make dumb mistakes on tests that make me question what's wrong with my mind to make me forget certain things.

Monday, October 28, 2024

10:11 AM

I think I'm making a huge mistake. Over the last week now, I've realized that I need to stop talking to certain people around me. I need to focus more on my Computer Science studies. Only that can allow me to have real friends. I have a few but it isn't exactly like we're super close (that might be on me for not putting in more effort until now). I want to change my life because at this point, I'm no longer doing things that motive me. I'm just doing what everyone expects of me. Everyone expects me to constantly be trying to get close to Alex. However, I am sick and tired of it because it just sounds like subtle manipulation.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

11:08 AM

I think that Karol girl has a crush on Alex...

Now listen, I am not being jealous or anything like that. However, I know for a fact that I don't think Alex wants anything to do romantically with a sophomore. I talked to Charlie and he told me that Karol has a crush on the guy she was talking to. She had just finished talking to Alex. She also didn't want to tell me who her crush is.

My theory is that people are conspiring against me and any chances I have with Alex. Here's why: